Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another A+

While Mama and Curt were out of town Ruff Ruff took care of me again.
I like Bettina and Joey. They are always so nice to me--giving me treats, petting me, brushing me and loving me. (My report card was yet another A+.)
But I am really happy to have Mama and Curt home.
Right now Mama and I are watching Ugly Betty while cuddling on the couch with the comfy Curious George blanket. Speaking of George, apparently Mama visited the Curious George store in Cambridge.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Extra shoe time

I was very lucky today and had got shoe time from Mama and Curt. Usually I just get shoe time from Curt.
But this morning Mama gave me some extra petting while putting on her shoes.
Shoe time=Joey getting some petting and loving while the human puts her or his shoes on.